March 21, 2020
A Binomial Test compares a categorical dataset to some expectations.
The Null Hypothesis, in this case, would be that there is no difference between the observed behavior and the expected behavior.
If we get a p-value of less than 0.05, we can reject that hypothesis and determine that there is a difference.
SciPy has function called binom_test
Three inputs
Number of observed successes
Number of total trials
Expected probability of success
Chi Square Test is used when we have two or more categorical datasets we would like to compare.
In SciPy, we can use the function chi2_contingency to perform a Chi Square Test
1 Sample T-test compares a sample mean to a hypothetical population mean.
Binomial Test compares a categorical dataset to an expectation.
Tukey Range Test checks if a relationship between two datasets is significant.
ANOVA - ANalysis of Variance tests the Null Hypothesis that all of the datasets have the same mean.